Youth & Young Adult
Our Youth Connections program is for out-of-school young adults ages 18 - 24. This program centers on work experience and education, and is designed to start a career for each participant.
Youth Connections offers:
Paid Work Experience
Tutoring/Study Skills Training
Alternative Secondary School Services or Dropout Recovery Services
Occupational Skills Training
Leadership Development
Adult Mentoring
Supportive Services
Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
Financial Literacy Information
Entrepreneurial Skills
The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth program is designed to help eligible youth meet career and educational goals through our year round program. The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act seeks to expand youth services to reach more out-of-school youth between 16-24 years old who are not attending any school, and who are one or more of the following:

A school dropout
Within the age of compulsory school attendance but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school year calendar quarter
A recipient of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent who is low income and 1) Basic skills deficient 2) a n English language learner
An individual who is subject to the juvenile or adult justice system
A homeless individual, a runaway, in foster care or aged out of foster care system
An individual who is pregnant or parenting
An individual with a disability
A low-income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment